Saturday, April 28, 2012

And Maybe He Sings Off Key

So, apparently I'm an idiot. I have believed my whole life that Whitney Houston (may she rest in peace) sang Let's Hear it for the Boy. But she didn't. Deniece Williams did. Why did I not know this? Who the hell is Deniece Williams? Why does she spell her name like that? Well, what I do know is that this song is stuck in my head because yesterday I finally broke down and watched the remake of Footloose. I had my doubts that anyone besides Kevin Bacon could truly encompass and express the myriad complexities of Ren MacCormack's psyche, but I was very pleasantly surprised that it totally rocked. All of the cheese of the original with better dancing. And you still get Kenny Loggins in there. AND the Let's Hear it for the Boy montage is still one of the best scenes in the movie. Hey, Willard really can dance! Heh. Willard.

I guess this video is ringing a few bells. The little kid, the nerd on the piano, the fire baton twirler at the end (what 80's dance party video is complete without one of those!)...and hey, if all football players had moves like these I'd probably watch more football. But since we all know the likelihood of  a pirouetting offensive line-up, I'll just stick to watching movie musicals. Go team.

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