Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Head Rush

Heavy Vegetable. Man, was I addicted to this band for a while. I guess in my old age I'd kind of forgotten about all of the various Rob Crow projects temporarily. Actually I guess some of these bands fell by the wayside because I only owned the album on a tape of a tape of a record someone made for me, and I can't play cassettes on anything anymore. (I still can't believe someone actually paid cash money for my old hunk o' junk car.) Anyway, thanks to the Interwebs I can reclaim a little of my youth!...even though "rocking out" now mostly consists of listening to Pandora with headphones and literally rocking in my work chair.

So this morning, we have Head Rush. If anyone reading this happens to be one of the many who used to totally bust me driving around singing at the top of my lungs and playing some wicked air drums on my steering wheel, there's a good chance I was listening to this song. Ah, the 90's...good times. Let's all reminisce, shall we?

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