Thursday, May 24, 2012


So as we were tucking ourselves into bed last night, Hubby rolls over and starts singing the Gobots theme song. For absolutely no reason. And as far as I can tell it doesn't even have any lyrics except for "Gobots, Gobots!, etc." But somehow he was singing it anyway. Then he rolled over and drifted into a peaceful slumber. So random. But consequently, I woke up humming the tune to the intro even though I'm pretty sure I've never seen the show (from what I hear, it's no Transformers) or ever had any Gobots of my own (but I totally had Transformers.) I did find this amazing commercial for the Gobots themselves though, complete with the world's creepiest dad! God bless the 80's. Also, Hubby had the same haircut as these kids when he was an 80's tot...and I'm pretty sure Bug will have it too for most of his young life. Poor kid.

And just for a little something extra, if you're bored at work today you should definitely waste a little time with this Gobot inspired nonsense. It's pretty awesome as far as Gobot inspired nonsense goes.


  1. This just in: There are in fact other words to this jingle. "Gobot, Gobots, Gobots, Gobots, mighty robots, mighty vehicles!" Hubby wanted me to clarify.

  2. He also wanted me to share with the world that this was his favorite TV show when he was 4. I dig it.
