Friday, September 7, 2012

Josie's On A Vacation Far Away

So here's some news. The Outfield are still around and they put out a new record last year. And (it isn't my favorite, but) it doesn't suck. I know, amazing, right? This song is kind of like the Beach Boys and Duran Duran had a one night stand that resulted in an illegitimate child who grew up to be a sitar player in a pop band. Agreed? But Your Love is still the only song of theirs that I actually know and thanks to an (over) abundance of classic-rock-radio-listening on my part, it has been stuck in my head for a couple of days. It's one of those songs that I definitely sing REALLY LOUDLY to when I'm driving. Air drums. There are always air drums. Unless of course your listening to the cover version by Bon Iver. Which is actually kind of awesome (if you like that kind of melancholy make-over of an 80s classic,) but definitely not conducive to air drumming.

Anywho, fun factoid for Friday: The Outfield originally played under the name The Baseball Boys because they were obsessed with America's favorite pastime despite being from London's East End. And now you can take that gripping piece of music history with you anywhere you go! It's like a mobile app. Or something. Ugh, is it the weekend yet?

Does anyone else suspect this girl of also being in Ah-Ha's Take on Me video? Time to bust out my mad research skills, yo!


  1. OK, it's not the A-ha girl. That chick is an English lass named Bunty Bailey who started her career as an erotic dancer and now teaches dance to children. Yep.

  2. Bunty! Also a great baseball name. ;)

    1. I just wonder if the children she teaches all grow up to be erotic dancers. "Mommy, mommy, I want to be just like Ms. Bailey when I grow up!"

  3. Couple things about this song / video:

    1. Headless bass! Gross!
    2. They drop into a fake-out bridge wicked early. I guess this is to leave room at the end for the super-long revolving chorus that is the entire second half of the song. Anyway, interesting choices.
    3. Also, what is the premise here? They are playing in this girl's art gallery that is also her studio? And she and the singer are sharing some kind of in-joke that we are never let in on?

    1. Or is she painting in their recording/video shooting space? And why? And what is the drummer doing way up there? And why is all their hair so awesome?! So many few answers.
