Friday, September 14, 2012

She's My Baby

Somehow listening to Black Sabbath's Changes doesn't conjure images of bat head-biting for me, especially the version that I have stuck in my ear this morning with Kelly and Ozzy singing a sweet duet to each other on some MTV awards show several years ago. I know I've said this before, but I am literally fascinated by the random s**t my brain conjures up sometimes. Trying to figure out why these earoworms surface is half the fun! The other half is walking around humming (read "singing very loudly") and annoying family, friends and coworkers. Anyway, I have an educated guess that this particular worm stemmed from me seeing an episode of Fashion Police (which a purple-haired Kelly Osbourne is currently on) recently and somehow my brain dredged up this moment in TV history from 2003. Why I would have even been watching MTV in 2003 will remain a mystery, and why I particularly remember this song is even mysteriouser (?) But I digress. The re-worked lyrics (by Kelly) and the way she smiles at him and the cute little smooch at the end (awe...) really make it a nice little moment. And apparently when the song was released it hit #1 in the UK. Way to ride those coat tails, girl!

Fun Friday factoid: Sir Elton John settled the debate between father and offspring about whether or not to include the choir in the background while they were visiting him in the south of France (as you do with Sir Elton.) Elton and Ozzy liked it, so the choir stayed. I like it too, so I'm glad. Sorry Kells. Elton also apparently gave Kelly food poisoning (yes, MTV deems this newsworthy information,) so she lost on multiple fronts. Her life must really suck. Oh wait.

Yes, I can feel the love.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone else think it's strange that when Ozzy speaks you can't understand a damn word, but when he sings every one is crystal clear? Tres interessant...
