Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hit Me Like A Ray Of Sun

Well that was a long hiatus! You know, I've just been so darned busy going on vacations that I just haven't been able to find the time to write. And I know, dear readers, that this upsets you. But never fear! I'm back. So calm down. Let's get straight to business, shall we?

Over the past month there have been so many earworms worthy of discussion, but I am forcing myself to live in the moment and go with the one that's actually stuck in my head right now. Beyonce. Halo. It was on the radio this morning and now it's lodged in my brain like a jelly bean in a kid's nose. God, I hope Bug never gets a jelly bean stuck up his nose. I hate jelly beans. Anyway, I digress. The unfortunate thing about this song is that it's completely uninteresting. There's no scoop. I'm bored. Apparently there was some hype from Kelly Clarkson that one of her songs (Already Gone) had the same instrumentation and made it sound like she was ripping of Beyonce, but the problem here is that the two songs were written by the same person, so naturally they sound similar. Let this be a lesson, divas. Write your own damn music. Let Cyndi Lauper be your muse! She just made history by being the first woman to win a Tony for best original score (for Kinky Boots, which basically won everything...just in case you were wondering) without the help of a partner. Take that! She also performed True Colors during the In Memoriam section of the awards while accompanying herself on the dulcimer (which was actually pretty frickin cool.) And now I have True Colors stuck in my head...

I mean even this video is just, meh. It's soft and sweet, nothing really to say good or bad. Again, I'm bored. And I don't really get the parts where she's floating under water. But she do have a nice booty. Oh screw it, I'm going back on vacation.

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