Friday, July 6, 2012

Yes We're Going To A Party Party

So this one will probably be on a constant loop all weekend long. The Bug turns two tomorrow, so Birthday will be our dance party song for the event. In between renditions of the Hot Dog Dance, naturally. And in between swigs and gulps of the I.I. Brewhouse's (brewing since 2010) latest concoction, complete with inappropriate bottle labels of the Bug's bare bottom. I was told that next year it might be time to stop the bare bottom tradition. According to some, at 3 it would just be creepy. Maybe that's a good idea. I mean, I promise I would have stopped by the time he hit 15...probably?

I don't really have much else to say on the subject except really cliché things like "my how time flies," or "they grow up so fast," or "when the eff did I get so old??" or "no really guys, when the eff did I get so effing OLD?!?!" So I'll just leave you with this 2 minutes and 43 seconds of your life you'll never get back. I'm honestly not sure whether to love it or hate it. But I couldn't help but laugh at it, so there you go. Enjoy and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BUG!!!

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