Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Deconstruct Me And Consume Me

Seriously? This is what Matthew Sweet looks like now? What the hell happened? I mean, not that he was ever going to be mistaken for Brad Pitt or anything, but clearly there has been some slippage here. And I'm pretty sure those shades circa 1996 don't fit any more, Matt. Maybe time to invest in a new pair? A larger pair? A pair that would take away from the superabundance of your face just a skosh? Just une petite suggestion.

So the song of the day is Sick of Myself. Yet another ditty that a high-school-aged me would have been belting out and playing air guitar to while driving too fast with a ciggy in one hand and the volume knob on my jambox-that-always-got-shotgun in the other. And they say texting and driving is dangerous? Pshaw! Also, an-almost-35-year-old me still does the belting-driving-too-fast-air-guitar thing when this song (and many others) comes on. Not the ciggies though. Those are bad for you. And holding one while air-guitar driving usually leads to something or someone getting burned. Just ask my old cars...and friends. Anyway, my point is, this song still rocks and Mr. Sweet used to be at least slightly more attractive. That's really all I have to say about this. Au revoir and sayonara.


  1. http://earbuds.popdose.com/feerick/matthew_sweet_01.jpg
