Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tell Me, Baby...

The hubby's earworm totally wins this morning. A little Paula Abdul, sans M.C. Skat Kat unfortunately, with Straight Up. Mine was Van Morrison's Into the Mystic, which is way less funny, but equally as random considering the fact that neither of us can remember the last time we heard either of these delightful tunes. Anyway, interesting tidbit about Mystic; according to Wikipedia, (which as a librarian I am wary of trusting because I was told not to by my former professors and I am a very good student and kiss-ass) this is the most popular song for doctors to listen to while operating. They site a survey done by the BBC, and since I believe everything the BBC tells me because I'm a complete anglophile (according to a survey done by hubby), I'll go ahead and accept this as fact. As for ole Skat Kat, this is what Wikipedia has to say about him:
He's a "street philosopher with an alley Kat point of view. He likes to dance, is interested in the ladies, and remains on the smooth tip with an old school rap influence which adds the street to his new school hip hop."
This makes a great personal ad for his online dating profile, don't you think? I mean, c'mon, you know you'd get with him. I would.

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