Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I'd Bang it all Day

The Breeder's Last Splash was one of the very first CDs I ever purchased (the other being Drive Like Jehu's Yank Crime), and I love rediscovering this band every once in a while. This morning I woke up to Divine Hammer and it's putting me in a super good mood! BANG BANG! Anyway, the Deal sisters. They be crazy. Apparently Kelley Deal has a book called Bags That Rock: Knitting on the Road with Kelley Deal. Knitting helped her kick her heroin addiction. Never heard that one before, but, if you say so, Kelley!

True story: Once Hubby and I were on an airplane from Dublin to Glasgow with the Breeders. When we all debarked we had to ride this little shuttle to the airport terminal and Hubby finally worked up enough courage to say "hey, Kim." The response: "I'm Kelley." Oops. Anyway, after a somewhat awkward conversation following his blunder it was determined that we were totally missing their shows in both cities and that was the end of that. Ah well. No backstage rock star moment for us in the emerald isle. I did however get a picture of the back of their heads as they got on the plane. Neat. I later got a picture of the back of Jack Black's head as he was leaving a castle where they were filming Gulliver's Travels, so clearly it was an eventful trip across the pond.

Another interesting fact: This video was directed by Spike Jonze. Get into it.


  1. Ha! A month or so ago, Kelley came to Hot Springs and taught a knitting workshop at the Valley of the Vapors indie music festival. I should've gone, but I'm kind of lame now. What's happening to meeee? I used to DO STUFF. xo.

    1. She could have taught you how to make a "bag that rocks!" Too bad you're so lame now ;)
