Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I'm The Epitomy Of Public Enemy

Nope, not actually quoting Public Enemy today. I randomly called my dog El Scorcho this morning and it's been non-stop Weezer ever since. 

Despite what this album did (or more accurately didn't) do commercially (unless you lived in Australia apparently,) Pinkerton remains hands down their best record to date. I'm pretty sure if I listened to it right now I'd still know every word and would still sing every harmony I ever wrote in my head to go along with it. Actually I think I've always been partial to Weezer mostly because Rivers Cuomo and I have the same vocal range. It's just fun to sing along! Many moons ago myself and a former band mate of mine actually did sing the entire album (several times through and really loudly) on a late night drive from Fayetteville to Little Rock, AR. Not that anyone cares, but I'm just sayin'. And since the album was released right around the time I left for college, understanding all of the Madame Butterfly references scattered throughout made me feel like I was in on some inside joke that my new Phish-loving college friends just couldn't, wouldn't and shouldn't get. Although actually they should have since they were all theatre majors. (And yes, spell check, that is the correct way to spell theatre.) Anyway, Weezer made me feel superior! Wait. Maybe that's not a good thing. But how many of you actually know who Cio-Cio San is? See. Superior. 

Moving on. 

Here's a fun factoid for you. The name of this song supposedly came from a packet of hot sauce from Del Taco called Del Scorcho. Yep.

And for you total Weezer nerds out there, there's also this. Oh yes. Unfortunately my library doesn't have it, which is too bad because that would've been a really good way to look busy for a few hours. Dang.

So, I don't remember this video because MTV apparently didn't play it very much since the song was a flop and there's no Buddy Holly-ish antics going on here. But here are some fun video factoids: Matt Sharp is wearing an FC Barcelona shirt, which some folks (Hubby!) should appreciate. (Hubby's Barcelona football shirt that was actually purchased in Barcelona is so covered with holes and stains that it really should be demoted from 'T-shirt' to 'dish rag,' but that's another story entirely.) Also in the first 15 seconds there's a neon sign that says "Weerez," but at the end it says "Weezer." Now, go stare at the pretty lights!

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