Anyway, Dig for Fire is a great song and I hadn't heard it in quite a while. It made me happy and now it's so stuck in my head. When Hubby and I first moved to Atlanta we stood in a crowd in the pouring rain in Midtown, wearing our most fashionable emergency ponchos, and giggled like teenagers at the fact that we were getting to see the Pixies, LIVE, at last! I realize they tour and stuff now, but this was a BIG deal (to me anyway) in 2005. I totally remember doing that thing where you call all your besties and hold your phone up during your fave song, thinking that you're sharing this incredible moment with them, and that they're on the other end of the line rocking out and being jealous of you, when what's really going on is they can't actually hear what you're hearing and they wonder if you butt dialed them, and when you don't answer all their frantic cries of "HELLO??" they just hang up, but you still think they're there thinking about how cool you are, so you keep holding your phone up (in the rain) like an idiot. Good times! I'm pretty sure these days there is no way in hell I'd stand in a thunderstorm to watch anyone play, so really Black Francis and crew should consider themselves lucky.
Fun Friday factoid: Dig For Fire is apparently a tribute song to The Talking Heads. MmmHmmm.
Side bar: This Dig for Fire link has nothing to do with the Pixies and most certainly deserves a post all its own, but just trust me that it's worth checking out. Music saves, people!
I don't remember this video, but it's kinda badass.